Ken DavyJan 11 2017

Make your 'happy' new year come true in 2017

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Happy New Year? The question is, how happy and successful is 2017 really going to be for you?  

Indeed, what has to happen in the next 12 months for you to be able to look back in a year’s time and say that it has been a good year? Are you planning to make it an exciting year of personal growth and increased success, or anticipate just muddling through from day to day with mere survival as the goal?

There is an old adage that 'nobody plans to fail but far too many fail to plan'

There is an old adage that 'nobody plans to fail but far too many fail to plan' and this never feels truer than at the start of a new year.  The good news is that it is not too late to plan for a successful 2017; only you can decide what your goals should be and what will count as ‘success’ for you.  Be it getting your golf handicap down, taking more holidays or simply spending more time with your family, the truth is that your most fulfilling goals are not likely to be financial.  However, the harsh reality is that the achievement of most non-material goals depends to a greater or lesser extent on you generating more income.

I urge you to start a plan today.  Write down how you would feel if your net income or profit was to increase by 25 per cent and what this would enable you to do.  Put all the benefits down in as much detail as you can; as you visualise yourself achieving these objectives, the more vivid and exciting you can make the images in your mind, the more certain you are to ultimately achieve them.

Lastly, here are three practical steps you can take which will enable you to increase your success in 2017.  

1) Have just one extra client meeting per week in 2017.  

2) Meet with just one new 'prospective' client every two weeks. 

3) Join the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) by contacting or or me at:

Put these three simple steps into practice and by next December you will have had over 40 extra client meetings including at least half with new potential clients and enjoyed a fantastic few days in Orlando, Florida at the MDRT Annual Meeting.  You will also be able to look back on a year of achievement and be even more excited about planning your goals for 2018.

Ken Davy is chairman of SimplyBiz