OpinionJul 3 2019

The information drain

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The information drain

Not my question. It was actually put to FCA chief Andrew Bailey last week by MP Nicky Morgan, chair of the Treasury select committee.

He was being quizzed over the Neil Woodford Equity Income Fund fiasco after the regulator was accused of falling asleep and ignoring warning signs before investors were locked out last month.

There has been an awful lot written about Mr Woodford recently, and there is no doubt the rows will rumble on for some time.

Not least after Bank of England Governor Mark Carney entered the controversy with a call for changes in the rules so investors would not be offered instant access to their money in the future in such funds.

Even though we all have access to much more information than ever online, we tend to read much less.

As an aside, I am all in favour of that. Short-termism is generally a disaster for investors.

If they knew they were sticking their hard-earned into a fund they could not touch within a certain notice period, that would surely focus their minds on a planned rather than panicked exit, wouldn’t it?

A planned exit could be six months away, or five years ahead, but either way it would avoid the herd-like-panic behaviour that forced Mr Woodford to freeze withdrawals.

But back to the question at the top of the column. Do you actually read the newspapers? Does anyone any more?

I have some self-interest in this: I work for a number of print publications, not least the one you are holding now, Financial Adviser.

The youngsters I ask the question to generally answer no, which I think is a huge worry, not least because if print publications are not adding readers, eventually the market will shrink and die.

My bigger fear is that without newspapers, people are becoming much less informed. Let’s face it, most people, especially young adults, get their news from online sources these days. And let’s be honest, some of the sources are not terribly legitimate.

Whatever you think of the mainstream media, before a story appears in print it is usually researched properly, sources checked and, depending on what kind of story it is, a lawyer has scanned the copy to ensure everything is correct and fair.

That doesn’t always happen online; the race to be first to publish a story is often more important than the need to be right. And that means hundreds of stories are published quickly every day that perhaps should not have been.

The worst are the more lurid stories that, sadly, tend to be the most shared, whether through the ‘sidebar of shame’ that some sites have, or simply pushed out with a sensationalist headline.

The more shares and views a story has, the more it gets pushed to the top of the page.

The net result is that the sites many people turn to for news are led by lurid or titillating tales. The real news, or stories that may be of more useful interest, tend to get buried down the page, which means most readers never even notice them.

It is an example of what I think of as the information drain: even though we all have access to much more information than ever online, we tend to read much less.

Or to put it more directly, we read more about entertaining things that are shareable and practically nothing that actually might be useful.

You could make the same accusation about print publications, but the fact is that when flicking through the pages to your favourite sections, your eye is often drawn to a completely random story. It may be a little news in brief piece, shoved down the page, halfway through the paper.

In my experience it is these random stories that often prove more interesting and can lead you on to fresh thoughts and knowledge.

But I guarantee that you or anyone else are unlikely to encounter these types of stories online, even though they are published there.

That is because you will struggle to wade through the raft of tittle-tattle and celebrity-gazing that makes up the bulk of online news sites to find these little titbits of gold.

I know that the many staff who work at the FCA do read the newspapers – I have plenty of experience of that from when they have contacted me to correct a story or find out more about it.

Ms Morgan’s question was actually just an attempt to insult the regulator – but it is a question that is worth thinking about.

The less we read newspapers the less informed we will all become, I believe. That is particularly true about financial information. Twice in the past few days readers have contacted me to complain about topics I have not covered.

In both cases I have covered the topics regularly – they just have not bought the publications to see the coverage.

In short, if you do not bother to read newspapers, I reckon you should. You will be better informed as a result.

Simon Read is a freelance journalist