Your IndustrySep 12 2013

FCA gives green light to certified analysts after Cisi deal

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Holders of the Certified International Investment Analyst qualification will be able to gain authorisation as retail investment advisers in securities and derivatives thanks to a new agreement between trade bodies.

The Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment and the Association of Certified International Investment Analysts have agreed to back CIIA qualification holders to become authorised advisers.

The FCA has also agreed the qualification fully meets the current level four exam standards with no further examination or gap fill needed.

In order for CIIA qualification holders to become eligible to apply for FCA authorisation as retail advisers in securities and/or derivatives they must study and pass two Cisi Investment Advice Diploma units, which provide the foundation for UK retail financial advice, namely “investment, risk and taxation” and “UK regulation and professional integrity”.

Qualification holders will be able to apply for an annual Statement of Professional Standing from Cisi, a pre-requisite for all retail investment advisers under the RDR rules.

Dr Yixiang Lin, chairman of ACIIA said: “Our developing relationship with the [Cisi] is an important new feature of the ACIIA and a reflection of our growing presence in a leading financial centre such as London.

“For our CIIA qualification holders this arrangement provides an enormous value added by opening doors to the UK market.

“We wish to strengthen and enlarge our collaboration with Cisi further in the near future and elaborate on new trainings and qualifications with this valuable UK partner.”