Your IndustrySep 11 2013

It’s all right not to play by the rules

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In response to Hal Austin’s column (An end to snooping, FA 15 August), I am all for insurance companies using whatever means they have at their disposal to catch crooks.

If the claim is legitimate then, based upon television programmes where these private investigators do their snooping, those who are claiming legitimately will not even know they are being snooped on. If you have nothing to hide then do not worry about it. If you are committing fraud, then slap it up them if they get caught by the insurer.

Doing it your way Mr Austin just means longer drawn-out cases and a smaller, if any, reduction in our premiums. Let them get on with their jobs. Crooks do not play by the rules so why should insurers play fair when trying to catch them?

Martyn Young


M Young Associates

Northern Ireland