Your IndustryJul 9 2015

Everything is working out – at work and the gym

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In the evening I am at Spartan Training in Tunbridge Wells, a fantastic, but exceptionally hard workout group I have been a part of for a couple of months now.


I am up early and down the gym for an hour’s personal training. What a start to the day – I am ready for anything now.

First thing is the firm’s investment committee meeting and as principal it is my role to chair it. We had some big decisions to make around our portfolios and the US so this took up most of the morning through to lunch time. In the afternoon I prepared for client reviews and presentations over the coming weeks.

Tuesday evening I had a second appointment with new clients. This was my presentation to them on the areas of advice they had sought from me. It was a pretty intense meeting as they were looking for all manner of advice, from buy-to-let mortgages through life insurance and investment advice on their company sharesave schemes.


It is an early start today as I am at my weekly local BNI networking breakfast at 6.30am. I enjoy networking as it has helped me to build many solid relationships with local businesses and enhance the reputation of my firm in doing so. I am passed a nice auto-enrolment lead from one of the accountancy firms that we work with.

I am then in the office for 8.30 and getting ready for my 10am appointment with a new client who registered with us at the fun day on Saturday. He is coming in to discuss his investment and buy-to-let portfolio. He seems happy with what I have to say, and impressed with our independence and philosophies.

In the afternoon, I had a meeting with a client with regards to a new investment for some money she had recently come into. She has a reasonable appetite for risk and a long-term goal, so we will use one of our model portfolios for her funds.

Wednesday evening I am off to Spartan training again.

Thursday: Today starts with an hour’s session at Assassin’s gym again with my personal trainer, and then it is into the office. No appointments today so I spend a couple of hours going through the adviser’s files doing reviews and identifying any training needs or areas of development that may be required. In the afternoon I catch up with some research and report writing.

Friday: I have several phone calls to make chasing providers for information not yet received for clients. What should take half an hour, inevitably takes well over two hours. I have a new client come in to see me in the afternoon who wants to purchase a commercial property through his pension. We agree on a fee for the work involved and the client is happy to proceed. A good week with lots of new business – and now it is off to spend some well-earned time with my family.

Simon Munday is an IFA of Crowborough-based Prosperity IFA