Jun 28 2017

Diary of an adviser: William Hunter

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Diary of an adviser: William Hunter


The week starts in a meeting with Chris Evans, Hunter Wealth Management's mortgage specialist who I have known for more than 20 years and who has been my administrator for two and a half years, and Darren Hunter, who also happens to be my son, to go over what is ahead this week and set actions and deadlines.

I meet with a client based in Scotland, but currently working in Kabul, Afghanistan. We talk over his investments in US$ and £GBP and the impact of the weakness in sterling on the fund values within his offshore portfolios. We are thinking about bringing more US$ from his offshore bank account into sterling for investment.

The afternoon brings longstanding clients who have recently sold a healthcare business. They hope to retire to Spain where they already own property. We review their pensions and investments and aspirations and we talk about repositioning their portfolio with such a major life event on the horizon.


There is a prospective client meeting to talk about their pension position and to see if I can help. More information is required, so we complete mandates to write off for the necessary details.

I then have a quarterly compliance 121 review. As Hunter Wealth Management is an enterprise firm of Fairstone Financial Management, a national IFA, this is an important part of keeping things tight and right. We go over business, checking ratings and other important aspects of the business. Everything is all right, as usual, as we try to run a good, clean ship. 

I then pay make some calls and emails, pay bills and my staff's wages and deal with the usual HMRC requirements. I also have a meeting with an existing client to review their investment portfolio. They are happy with the progress and agree to invest considerably more. 

I leave early as my daughter is in a ballet show and I want to go dressed casually, so I need to go home to change and get ready.


Today is an easier day from a client perspective. I have some longstanding clients who are considering inheritance tax planning. We have discussed things for a while. They are considering calling back a loan trust and moving this with other monies into an inheritance tax service portfolio, to benefit from business property relief and have their money exempt from IHT in two years rather than seven years.

Report writing takes most of the afternoon. There are some client calls, as well as the usual email demands.

Then it is away to the gym in the evening for my regular BodyPump class, which refreshes me and washes away any stress from the week so far.


Today is an early start with a relatively new client. We are looking to move his pensions and investments from single providers to a platform so he can achieve diversity of fund ideas within one structure.

Darren, Chris and I try a new local Italian restaurant for lunch. We are amazed at the quality and value.

Straight after lunch, I have another new client who has retired and is looking to organise his affairs so he can take benefits from October. A referral to his sister is also gained. 

I leave early to get ready to play golf with an introducer. However, 20 minutes away from the course, the heavens open and the rain pelts down continuously, so we just catch a coffee in the clubhouse and chat about business ideas instead.


Today is a much easier day: a review in the morning with a client who is retiring in six months. We discuss risk, requirements from the pot, taxation and their general circumstances.

There are a few calls and emails to deal with as usual, then it is shopping in the afternoon for a new shirt, tie and handkerchief as I am going to Musselburgh races premier race event of the year – Ladies Day on Saturday. It is a big day on the social calendar.

William Hunter is a director of Hunter Wealth Management, based in Edinburgh.