Your IndustryDec 1 2022

How IFAs can make presentations meaningful

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How IFAs can make presentations meaningful

'I need to make sure I cover everything.' 'What happens if I forget?' 'I know, I’ll put all the information on the slides, so that way it’s there for people.' These are all classic elephant traps for a financial adviser preparing a presentation.

To be fair, the topic of finance does not lend itself easily to the spoken word. For many people, it is seen as dry, abstract, complicated or just too darn sensitive – unless or until something happens that affects the money in their pocket, then it gets interesting, fast.

If you think effective presenting is about transferring knowledge or simply giving an update, think again.

The spoken word is a poor medium for transmitting high volumes of complex information. So it is unsurprising that financial advice makes for a particularly challenging topic on which to present from the conference stage or when pitching to potential clients. 

Now for the good news. As a presenter, there are things you can do to give yourself a better chance of engaging your audience and getting your message across.

Get clear on the true purpose of your presentation

If you think effective presenting is about transferring knowledge or simply giving an update, think again. No audience comes in craving a data dump. There are vastly superior resources elsewhere for people to access that.

The true value of your presentation lies in the outcome; in how your audience responds as a result. How do you want them to think differently? How do you want them to feel differently? What action(s) would you love for them to take? 

Clarity on these audience-focused outcomes helps filter your content when preparing. True enough, you will want to impart some knowledge in your talk. But think of this as a means to an end, not an end in itself. Focus on what is really in it for your audience and you will not go far wrong.

Be specific. You do not need a lot of detail for a story to be impactful. But the detail you do use is important.

If you only had 10 words, what would you say? Brutal but powerful.

I have had C-suite clients break out in a sweat attempting to answer this one. If you had to strip everything out, leaving you with only 10 words, what would they be? Aim for a meaningful phrase, not a shopping list of jargon.

This is about honing a crystal clear, core message, to underpin all that you have to say. If nothing else, make this stick with people. In doing so, you will succeed where most presenters fail.

Stories, stories, stories

This is a public speaking tip that is as old as the hills, but it works. We use stories all the time in conversation. Hugely effective for illustrating key points in a presentation too.

Be specific. You do not need a lot of detail for a story to be impactful. But the detail you do use is important. How long ago did the events take place? Who was involved? What was the challenge? What was the critical moment of the story?

Have a conversation with a trusted friend or colleague. Talk them through your flow. Not as a word-for-word rehearsal, but in a conversational way. It is more natural. It is authentic.

A few years ago, I observed a consumer research group discussing pensions. Half an hour in, the penny dropped for one guy who had clearly under-estimated the funds he would need for a comfortable retirement. Flushed, sweating and in a panic, he turns to the moderator: “I had no idea until now. I’m screwed.” 

Stories stick. In this case, a vivid reminder that behind every data point, every pension plan or interest rate rise there are profoundly human stories. As an adviser, you will have countless human experiences you could draw on to support your points – negative and positive. Share them from stage.

Have conversations, not rehearsals 

Most presenters prepare in silence. They open up PowerPoint, compile a script and go over the words in their head. If anything is delivered out loud, it is confined to an empty room or the bathroom mirror. 

Have a conversation instead, with a trusted friend or colleague. Buy them lunch if you have to. Talk them through your flow. Not as a word-for-word rehearsal, but in a conversational way. It is more natural. It is authentic.

You will build familiarity with your flow, without the pressure of 'getting it right'. You will also find their reaction gives helpful feedback on the clarity and relevance of your content.

See you on stage and speak soon.

Simon Bucknall is a member of Toastmasters International